Saturday, May 16, 2020

Religion in Public Schools Essay - 1131 Words

Definition: Religion in school is the practice of any personal religious beliefs in a place of education. Introduction: In recent years teaching or the individual practice of religion in school has become a very controversial topic. There are many different views on this matter and even more opinions on how it should be handled. There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be taught and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not be taught or practiced in school. There have been cases brought to court about how religion should be taken out of schools, or if it should be allowed. This essay will explore both sides of the spectrum. Thesis: Religion in public†¦show more content†¦They were even physically abused for not believing as the other children did. This indicates how dangerous and unethical having religious practices in schools can be. The only time that prayer or any religious activity should be allowed in a school is if the school is a privately funded school. No government funded school should teach religion due to the separation of church and state. Funding comes from all tax payers regardless of their religious beliefs. The reason prayer is not permitted in the classroom is because it violates the separation of church and state as defined by the first amendment. Support Argument 2: If we were to allow prayer in the classroom our constitutional rights as defined by the first amendment, separating church and state would be violated. This would contradict what weve built our country on. It would take us a step back from being a free country. At that point we would be under a totally different political system and everything past generations have fought for would be for nothing. Allowing the separation of church and state to parish would place our country in the same turmoil that Mid-eastern countries are experiencing. It would impose the same kind of separation of people that apartheid has imposed in Africa, based on beliefs instead of their skin color. There may not be the same actions taken such as in slavery but there would be a great amount of persecution as is beingShow MoreRelatedReligion : Public Schools And Religion2002 Words   |  9 PagesReligion in Public Schools Issues involving public schools and religion have been topics involving intense debate. It is difficult for the government to elucidate the appropriate boundaries of religion in the public schools. It is true that teaching about religion is permitted in the public education systems, but the real question is where the margin should be set between teaching religion and simply teaching about religion. 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There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be taught and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not be taught or practiced in school. There have been cases brought to court about how religion should be taken out of schools, or if it should be allowedRead MoreThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools762 Words   |  4 PagesThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools The â€Å"establishment† or â€Å"religion† clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution reads: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof† (Education Week, 2003, para. 2). It is from this clause that the idea of separation of church and state comes. It is also the basis for much of the debate regarding the practice of religion in public schools (Education Week, 2003). OneRead MoreReligion and Public school Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pagesestablished religion. 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